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A Mimosa in a Champagne flute.


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A very easy to make Champagne and Orange Juice cocktail, the Mimosa creates a good excuse to have a drink before noon (or any time of day really). The classic brunch cocktail, start the day with plenty of vitamin C and a Mimosa.
Like a lot of other quick and easy Sparkling Wine based cocktails, be sure to use the proper measurements rather than just making it up as you go along. This way you can keep track of how much of each ingredient you like so you can make the same thing in the future.
Total Time 3 minutes
Servings 1 batch


  • 1 bottle Champagne or any sparkling wine
  • 750 mL Orange Juice


  • Combine Orange Juice and Champagne in equal parts in Champagne glasses.
  • Serve


As with other cocktails with Sparkling Wine, you can swap out the Champagne for other sparkling varieties. Champagne has a very specific taste, however, and will go much better in a Mimosa. Whatever you choose, just because you're combining it with Orange Juice doesn't mean you should use a cheap Champagne. A good Champagne (or other sparkling) will make this simple drink so much more.