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Two Yaka Hula Hickey Dula cocktails in Martini glasses in front of a ceramic R2D2.

Yaka Hula Hickey Dula Cocktail

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Yep, that's the name. The Yaka Hula Hickey Dula is essentially a Rum and pineapple Martini. Simple and easy to make, you can whip these up faster than you can say Yaka Hula Hickey Dula and impress your friends with a great cocktail that's actually quite simple to make.
This drink is one of many that highlights the versatility of the Martini formula. Combine a base spirit with Vermouth and then go from there. The Pineapple Juice here adds a tropical note, which, of course, goes well with Rum.
Although tropical, these drink is tasty at any time. Don't just reserve it for a tropical evening.
Total Time 4 minutes
Servings 1 cocktail


  • 45 mL Dark Rum
  • 45 mL Dry Vermouth
  • 45 mL Pineapple Juice


  • Put all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake until very cold.
  • Strain into a cocktail glass.
  • Enjoy.


Make sure you use good Rum and fresh Pineapple Juice to ensure you get the best quality drink that you can. This will ensure great tropical vibes and plenty of great flavours.
Other than all of that, there's not a lot of information on this cocktail. From the name you want it to be a crazy Tiki drink, but, at only three ingredients, it's a very simple one. Of course Tiki cocktails aren't always complex, but they do tend to have more ingredients than other styles.
So we'll call this drink "tropical" but we won't call it Tiki. Will it go well with other tropical cocktails, sure, but it really lacks the history and elaborate aspects to go with Tiki. But really, who cares. It tastes good and that's all that matters.