Porn Star Martini with an opened bottle of Champagne behind it.

Porn Star Martini

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Sometimes called the Passion Star Martini, the Pornstar Martini strays quite far from what a Martini actually is. Sure it's served in a Martini glass and has Vodka in it, but that's about it. So, forgetting that this cocktail isn't really a Martini, it's still extremely tasty. This drink is designed to be a crowd pleaser with a mixture of tart and sweetness that all will enjoy.
While not a difficult drink to make, the Pornstar Martini has a lot of different ingredients, so we wouldn't call it a "beginner cocktail." But if you have all these ingredients lying about, this is the cocktail to make.
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1 cocktail


  • 45 mL Vanilla Vodka
  • 15 mL Passion Fruit Liqueur
  • 30 mL Passion Fruit Puree
  • 15 mL Lime Juice
  • 15 mL Vanilla Syrup
  • 60 mL Champagne
  • Garnish with half a Passion Fruit


  • Add everything, except the Champagne, to a shaker with lots of ice. Shake until very cold.
  • Strain into a Coupe glass.
  • Add garnish.
  • Serve with Champagne on the side.


The Porn Star Martini was created in 2002 in London. Since then it's grown in popularity, especially in the UK. Technically, the Porn Start Martini isn't a proper Martini. After all, the only similarity this cocktail has to a Classic Martini is the glass that it's served in. At a stretch you could say it shares Vodka, but Vanilla Vodka is a whole different beast that regular Vodka!

We Have More to Say About the Porn Star Martini

The Porn Star Martini is a cocktail recipe designed to please and impress. It’s a little bit extravagant, but that’s kind of the point. It’s supposed to be over the top and a bit flamboyant. That’s probably why it’s called the Porn Star Martini. It’s also a cocktail that’s designed to be very easy to drink.

Although it’s nowhere near as classy as the classic Gin Martini or the Vodka Martini (of which it at least shares Vodka), the cocktail still serves a great purpose as something tasty and a little bit over the top. Sometimes that’s what you need. So read on and we’ll talk about the times to have a Porn Star Martini.

Does this recipe still work if I make a few at a time?

We’d limit it two only making two Port Star Martinis at a time. There’s a bit of liquid in this recipe and it’s important that it’s well shaken for the proper consistency and mixing of the drink. If you need more than two cocktails, just make them two at a time.

Will this cocktail keep if I leave it drink or serve later?

Not really. Shaking the Passion Fruit Puree and Lime Juice changes the consistency of the cocktail considerably, so if you leave it, you’ll lose that great consistency. Make your Porn Star Martinis to order and only make them when you’re ready to serve them.

What sort of occasions is the Porn Start Martini good for?

While anyone is welcome to make and drink a Porn Star Martini, it’s usually a drink that’s favoured by women, especially on a girls’ night out. And why not? It’s a party drink! This is the kind of cocktail you have when you’re out with the girls and you’re intending it to be a big night indeed. Maybe it’s the cocktail you start with at home or at a bar before hitting the clubs later on. That’s what the Porn Star Martini is for. It starts the party!

How strong is the Porn Star Martini?

Although it’s a total party starter, the Porn Star Martini is actually average in strength, maybe a little bit more thanks to the Champagne chaser. But if, for example, you were to put this cocktail side by side with a standard Martini, it’s about the same amount of alcohol in total. It’s a little bit more diluted thanks to all the fruit juice, but it still has about the same about of booze in total.

What kind of music goes best with the Porn Star Martini?

It’s called the Porn Star Martini so we need to put this cocktail with something a little dirty and naughty. We don’t really know what the genre of music is called, nor do we want to research it too thoroughly on the internet (for obvious reasons), but we’ve all heard that stereotypical Funk kind of music associated with pornography; it’s been satirised in a fair few films! So of course that’s the kind of music that goes best here.

And here’s a few more cocktail recipes for you

Whether you’re looking for another flamboyant cocktail to have or just want to browse, we have plenty of cocktail recipes for you on this site. Take a look.

Top 10 Vodka cocktail recipes: if you like Vodka, take a look at the Vodka cocktail recipes we like the best.

All Vodka cocktail recipes: or just take a flip through all the Vodka cocktail recipes we have.

All Martini style cocktail recipes: although it’s debatable how much of a Martini the Porn Star Martini actually is, we’re still putting it into our list of cocktails that are in the family.

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