A Mezcal Mai Tai cocktail with a ceramic skull next to it.

Mezcal Mai Tai

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As the name would suggest, the Mezcal Mai Tai is a riff on the standard Tiki cocktail classic, the Mai Tai. The Mezcal in this recipe gives a smokier flavour to the cocktail and some interest to an old favourite.
Another (albeit small) change from our recipe is that this recipe calls for Triple Sec rather than Orange Curaçao. There are some slight differences between Triple Sec and Orange Curaçao but, for the purpose of this cocktail, we'd dare to say that the two are interchangeable.
Since the flavour of the Mezcal can be a bit overpowering, make sure you use high quality and flavourful ingredients for the rest of the drink. Mezcal can easily take over in whatever cocktail you make and, while that can be a good thing, for something like a Mai Tai, you want to go for balance while also having all the flavours coming through.
Total Time 4 minutes
Servings 1 cocktail


  • 30 mL Dark Rum Jamaican Rum is probably good here
  • 30 mL Mezcal
  • 30 mL Lime Juice
  • 15 mL Triple Sec
  • 15 mL Agave Syrup
  • 7.5 mL Orgeat
  • Mint To garnish


  • Add all ingredients, except garnish, to a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice.
  • Shake everything to chill it and mix it.
  • Strain into a Rocks Glass with fresh ice.
  • Add garnish.
  • Serve and enjoy.


*Here's our article on making cocktail syrups at home.
Although Tiki cocktails are known for having a large variety of ingredients, once you get started with Tiki, your bar grows quickly and the amount of cocktails you can make opens up greatly. Just check our cocktail generator to see what else you can come up with with these ingredients! It's probably a fair few.
Assuming you have some White Rum as well, do a side by side taste test with this Mezcal Mai Tai against the original Mai Tai. Do you prefer one over the other? There's a lot to be said about the classic, but there's often good things in the newer spins on things. And that's where the fun begins.

Want To Know More About the Mezcal Mai Tai? Here We Go…

We already asked, which do you prefer, the original version or the Mezcal version of the Mai Tai? We’ll wait for you to have both and come back to us.

If you like Tiki cocktails, expanding away from the originals can be fun. The original Tiki cocktails are great to drink and fun to make, and it’s good to see that there’s ways to modify them further to make something even more interesting. But hey, if you prefer to not change a classic, we understand.

Can I increase the serving size of a Mezcal Mai Tai?

You sure can! As this is a shaken cocktail, the serving size is limited by how much liquid you can fit in the shaker though. We wouldn’t recommend doing more than about 2-3 times the single serving volume, otherwise you won’t be able to get a good shake and chill going.

Can I pre-make a Mezcal Mai Tai?

If you’re having people over or just want this cocktail waiting for you, you can pre-make it. Just make the cocktail as normal and then strain it into a covered container like a jar without ice as the ice will melt and dilute the drink. Leave the cocktail in the refrigerator to keep cool until you want to serve it.

When is a good time to have a Mezcal Mai Tai?

Since Tiki cocktails are so full of flavour and (dare we say it) slightly over the top, we find that any Tiki cocktail just lends itself to its own enjoyment. That is to say, don’t pare it with something, don’t look for an occasion or the right weather. Just have it an love it.

Since this cocktail recipe is Mezcal based, however, you may want to serve it before (or during) a Mexican party. Sure, Margaritas are the way to go when having a bit of a fiesta, but it can also be fun to change things up a little bit with something different.

Is the Mezcal Mai Tai a Strong Cocktail?

Yeah, this one can pack a punch. You’re looking at 60 mLs of spirit here between both the Mezcal and the Rum, not to mention the Triple Sec.

Cocktails like this can get messy very quickly, so take your time with it and be smart.

What kind of music pairs well with a Mezcal Mai Tai?

Let’s go Mexican and South American music here, or even some kind of Caribbean music. This cocktail is pretty versatile when it comes to music. Either way, the Mezcal Mai Tai is definitely a party cocktail, so make sure you have vibrant and upbeat music to party with while you enjoy this drink!

Let’s make some more drinks

If you’re looking for more cocktail recipes, you’re in the right place.

All Mezcal cocktail recipeskeep the bottle of Mezcal open and mix up some more drinks.

All Tiki cocktail recipesliking the Tiki cocktails? Here’s some more to choose from.

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